Monday, April 21, 2008

Production Strategy

I plan to pursue my drift at night, in an area between my first and second drifts. Here, I believe that I will be able to capture the true presence of my home town. I will traverse a little of the suburbs, a little of the city, a little of the corn fields, and as well as a new addition, Fowler Lake. I’m trying to find areas that feel uneasy because frankly Oconomowoc makes me feel very paranoid and distressed. It might be all the horror stories that I’ve heard of werewolves, Bigfoot and UFOs, but I’m certain there’s something lurking within the shadows of my town and I intend to uncover it. Even if I don’t document any scary creatures, I plan to manipulate my footage so that the viewer feels the existence of something unnatural.

My image capturing strategy will be limited to imagery of motion that imitates eye movement and of human-made light.

I will also capture sounds of only close up industrial or mechanical machinery and of the “air” within a space.

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